Previous exhibitions - Olivier Ploux ‘Des Maux en Images’
From 25 june till 17 september 2023
Des Maux en Images
Olivier Ploux graduated from the Intuit-Lab in Paris in 2008.
During his studies, he discovered the work of Polish and French poster designers. At that point, he decided to create more illustrations himself. After a few years, he decided to also make his work more widely visible through social media and exhibitions.
He was selected at several international biennials (Warsaw, Ecuador, Cyprus, Chaumont, ...). Since 2018, he has been a member of Cartoon Movement and works for the Swiss newspaper 'Le Temps'.
'Des Maux en Images', in a deliberately minimalist style, highlights topical subjects, trying to question the modern world, its absurdity, its cruelty, its excesses, its irony and its paradoxes. The combination of symbolism, forms and ideas invites you as a viewer to look beyond what you see at first sight and makes you reflect on the theme.
In our current world, we are inundated with meaningless images and the delusion of the day prevails. This inexhaustible source of information allows Ploux to address a whole range of complex subjects: a word, an expression, an event, a character, a news item, etc...
"It is not my intention to deliver something beautiful, I mainly want to be as direct as possible and accentuate what is evident," says Ploux.
The combination of symbolism, forms and ideas invites you as a viewer to look beyond what you see at first sight and makes you reflect on the theme.
'Des Maux en lmages' questions the world of yesterday, today and tomorrow: critical and engaged.
You can visit the exhibition of his works at the ECC from June 25 to September 17 2023, every Sunday from 10 to 12 and from 14 to 17h