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Exhibitions - CARtooNAVAL: from Venice to Rio in cartoons

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From 28 january till 25 march 2024

We celebrate CARNIVAL not only in Belgium but also in many other places in the world. About 15 cartoonists from different countries in the world give a picture of how the carnival tradition is celebrated in their country. Expect cartoons with Venetian masks and Brazilian Samba dancers.

With cartoons of Florian Crihana, Marilena Nardi, Silvano Mello, Ivailo Tsvetkov, Gianni Audisio, Joãosinho Trinta, Luiz Carlos Fernandes, Baptistão, Nicola Bucci, Cau Gomez, Samuca Andrade Pernambuco, Silas de Oliveira, Synnove, Lejon De Borger...


The exhibition at the ECC can be visited from 28 January to 24 March 2024, every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.